Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 12 - 20

Let's take a moment and thank all the veteran's who have bravely fought for our country.  We continue to live in peace thanks to all the men and women who have served in our armed forces

This blog installment will take us through Thanksgiving break.  The third grade team hopes everyone enjoys the time off and spends some quality time with family and friends giving thanks.

Picture Re-Takes - On Thursday,  November 15th picture re-takes are scheduled.  If you would like to get your picture re-taken,  please contact the office to get on the re-take list. Bring back your original packet.

Citizenship -  The students have already learned how to problem-solve and use empathy.  Now, they will learn how to handle a bully situation.  If a student feels he or she is being bullied and has tried to problem-solve the situation by talking it out, then they he oar she needs to remember to STOP-WALK-TALK. Students will tell the bully to stop by using the stop sign.  If the students does not stop, then the bullied student needs to walk away.  Finally, if the bully follows and doesn't stop bothering the student, come and talk to an adult.

Reading - This week we will finish our work on the story The Talent Show.  Every classroom will be holding their own classroom talent show. The important thing to remember is, some things are just meant to be enjoyed!  The kids really enjoy participating and watching their classmates show their special talents.  Thanksgiving week - we will be talking turkey!  The students will work on Thanksgiving activities.

Grammar- The second quarter is devoted to prefixes, suffixes, root words, plural/possessive nouns, and figurative language (idioms, similes, metaphors, and onomatopoeia).

Spelling -  List #10.  The spelling pattern is /ou/.  The test will be Friday, November 16th.

Writing- During the next unit, the students will learn how to write a Personal Narrative. Personal Narratives are stories written from the first-person’s point of view that share personal experiences through descriptive details. We will begin by immersing students in books which focus on how writers narrate stories from their own lives. We will examine how writers share both details and feelings that make the reader visualize the event in their mind. We will model how to brainstorm ideas for narratives by using our heart maps. This unit will be taught using the “I do”, “We do”, “You do” method. 

Social Studies- the students are finishing up learning about how our country began. The students need to know...
- The first Americans were Asian  and crossed a land bridge from Asia.
- Many years later, colonists from England came over and settled in Jamestown
- There were thirteen original colonies
- The colonists became increasing angry with England- especially because the King was taxing them 
- The colonists were so mad they threw tea in Boston Harbor.  This became known as the Boston Tea
- The Shot Heard Round the world was the beginning of the American Revolution
- The colonists wrote a letter to the King stating they wanted to be free from British rule.  This letter is
  called the Declaration of Independence.
- The colonies won their freedom from England and formed their own new country called the United 
  States of America
- A new government was formed and the Constitution was written. The constitution is the law of the 

Students are also doing research on some of our national symbols and monuments.  They are working in pairs to create a PowerPoint slide and give an oral presentation to the class.  You can look forward to seeing the slides on Curriculum Night.

The final piece of our government unit will be focusing on Washington D.C. today.  The students will learn there are three branches of government, the executive, legislative and judicial.

Third Grade Math - Unit 3 focuses on measurement, perimeter, and area. Students will be exposed to measuring with U.S. customary and metric units of length. In addition, they will learn the how to find the perimeter and area of a quadrilateral.

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