Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 24-28

Citizenship:  This week the students will continue to learn about conflict resolution, and how to cool off.  The students will learn to recognize that feelings surround conflict situations and how to express these feelings.  They willl also learn a positive way to handle anger through the Talk It Out process: stop and cool off.
Spelling:  The test for list #4 is Friday, 9/28. The pattern is long i and long o words.

Reading: This week we will continue reading Turtle Bay, by Saviour Pirotta.  It is about a boy named Taro who helps a wise, old man named Jiro-San clean up the beach for the return of a special group of friends.  Taro needs to wait patiently for the friends to arrive.  You will have to ask your child who the friends are that came to visit Jiro-San.  Our reading strategy for the week is author's purpose.  The students will determine whether the story is meant to give information, entertain, or persuade the reader.
Please remind your child to reread this story at home at least once during the week. The classes that have not taken the test will take an open book test (with vocabulary and comprehension questions) at the end of the week.
Vocabulary eager, trained, litter, patiently, message, wise
Writing:We have started a new writing piece that coordinates with our reading story for the week.  The students will be working on a creative writing piece on a sea creature.  The students will be creating a new type of sea creature and will share information about their unique animal.  The students will review paragraph writing, which includes a topic sentence, details, and a concluding sentence. They will also learn how to write exciting leads and a conclusion sentence.  The students and teachers will have a great time with this assignment!
Grammar: The first quarter is devoted to reviewing nouns, verbs, adjectives, and types of sentences. 

Science:  Our first science unit will focus on the bones and muscles.  We will be starting with the idea that cells become tissues, tissues become organs, and organs become body systems.  The students will learn to identify the 14 major bones in the body and describe how the bones and muscles work together. The joints will also be taught in this unit.  

Math:  The Common Core Math Standards philosophy is to teach deeper. We will be going more in-depth with our teaching and EDM will be used as a supplement.
Third Grade Math:  Unit 1 is a review of number grids, patterns and time. Students will be doing number grid stories, recognizing number patterns and solving elapsed time problems. We will also introduce students to bar and pictographs. Students will draw a scaled bar graph and picture graph to represent data. They will also solve one and two step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented on a bar graph.
Accelerated Math:  Unit 1 focuses on Geometry.  The students will become familiar with a a variety of geometric figures and shapes, such as lines, rays, angles, and polygons.  Learning the different properties will help the students classify 2D shapes into different categories.  This week the students will discuss the different attributes of triangles and quadrangles. 

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