Sunday, October 30, 2011

10/31/11 - 11/4/11

Important Reminders-
10/31- May Watts Fall Festival and Parade
November 9th and 10th- Parent Teacher Conferences
The Book Fair is coming Nov. 7th - 11th! Please click on the LMC Blog for details. Thanks for supporting May Watts!
The skill for List 8 is /s/ and /j/ words.  If you need to refer to the lists, click on the spelling tab above.  The test will be on Friday, 11/4.
We will finish our Spooky Story Unit and for the next few weeks, complete  an author study on Chris Van Allsburg. Some of the books that we will  read during this unit are: Jumanji, Just a Dream, and The Stranger. We will also examine the author's website, along with other books that he has written throughout his life. The strategies that students will learn are: comparing two works by the same author and making inferences. We will complete our author study with a movie choice based on his books. Please visit the website at the bottom of this page to learn more about this popular author.

The Reading Incentive program is finishing its first month!  Remind your child to read nightly and continue to put their minutes into their log on Reading Stars!  All minutes for October must be entered by 10/31. 

For our next writing unit, we will teach students how to write an effective extended response. Writing Extended Response connects to a reading passage. This unit will be taught using the I do, We do, You do model. The students will practice completing an I Chart as a graphic organizer of their writing. The children will learn how to TTQA (turn the question around) and include an opinion or point of view. We will practice using transition words and identifying all of the pieces of evidence in a reading passage. The students will also learn how to interpret what the evidence means. The final step will be to teach the students how to write a conclusion stating what they now understand.

Grammar Skill
Homophones, homographs, and homonyms are the skills that we are working on.  What is the difference between them?  Well, that seems to be a topic of discussion.  We have researched many websites and have decided that we would like the students to know how to use the correct word and spelling in sentences.  We will teach them that: Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.  Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but mean and sound differently.  Homonyms are words that are spelled and sound the same, but have different meanings.  We will work on a variety of these words to help the students become more familiar with them all.

 Check out the Grammar links for games to help them understand.

Grade 3 Math
A study guide was given out and is due on Tuesday, 11/8. The Unit 3 Math Test is Wed.,  11/9.
Unit 3 has two secure skills that the students will need to master.  They should be able to measure line segments to the nearest ½ inch and the nearest centimeter.  Please help them practice measuring at home.  This is an important life skill!  
The students will also need to know how to add and subtract multidigit numbers, make ballpark estimates to the nearest tens place, add bills and coins, and show change using symbols for money (Q = quarters, D = Dimes, etc..)
We will discuss the U.S. customary and  metric systems.  We will practice converting units in each system.  For example, the students will learn that 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 yard = 36 inches, and 1 mile = 5,280 feet.  They will hopefully discover some personal references for length that will help them remember how long each unit is.  We will practice measuring by finding the perimeter of different shapes.  The perimeter is the measurement of the distance around a shape.
Accelerated Math
A study guide was given out and is due on Tuesday, 11/8. The Unit 3 Math Test is Wed., 11/9.
Unit 3 focuses on multiplication and division, number sentences and algebra. This is a longer unit and it will take us some time to get through it. Please help your child by practicing multiplication and division facts at home.

Social Studies
There will be a Maps and Globes Test on Friday, 11/4.  After completing a variety of engaging classroom activities including creating their own park maps, the students should be able to demonstrate the following essential skills:
Know the difference between maps and globes
Be able to locate places on a map
Create a map key/legend with several symbols and include the meaning of each symbol
Create a compass rose with cardinal and intermediate directions
Identify a map scale, measure distances on a map, and convert the measurement according to the map scale.
The students will continue to have opportunities to practice these skills during the week.

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