Monday, October 24, 2011


Upcoming  Events…
Tuesday, 10/26/11–Young Rembrandts
Tuesday & Thursday - After School Enrichment (ASE)
Friday, 10/28/11 – Report cards will be sent home via backpack
Monday, 10/31/11 – Halloween Parade and classroom parties
We will continue to work on our problem solving skills.  All students can achieve success using the Talk it Out program and Respecting YOE.
On Friday, a raffle drawing will be held for lunch with Mr. Raczak.  The students will have a chance to win if they put their blue tickets into the grade level bins.  Will your child enter for a chance to win lunch with Mr. Raczak?
The skill for List 7 is sh, ch, and tch words.  If you need to refer to the lists, click on the spelling tab above.  The test will be on Friday, 10/28.
We are going to be doing a Spooky Story unit in reading and writing.  We will begin the unit by discussing the difference between fantasy and realistic events.  The students will use various skills and strategies, like predicting, inferring, fact vs. opinion, and comparing and contracting, while reading this week.  We will be reading the following stories:  A Beasty Story by Bill Martin Jr., and Steven Kellogg, The Monster and the Tailor by Paul Galdone, Piggie Pie! by Margie Palatini, and A Dark, Dark Tale.  We hope the students enjoy this spooky week!
The Reading Incentive program is finishing its first month!  Remind your child to read nightly and continue to put their minutes into their log on Reading Stars!  All minutes for October must be entered by 10/31.
We will finish our unit on Informative Paragraph writing.  The students should know what a good paragraph looks like and that it contains a main idea, details, and an ending sentence. The will also work on the Spooky Story unit.
During our Spooky Story unit, the students will have the opportunity to write their own spooky story.  Scary story starters will help the students begin writing their stories.  At the end of the unit, we will use flashlights to set up a spooky atmosphere to share our stories.  Please watch the assignment notebook to know when your child will need to bring a flashlight for this activity.
Grammar Skill
Homophones, homographs, and homonyms are the skills that we are working on.  What is the difference between them?  Well, that seems to be a topic of discussion.  We have researched many websites and have decided that we would like the students to know how to use the correct word and spelling in sentences.  We will teach them that: Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.  Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but mean and sound differently.  Homonyms are words that are spelled and sound the same, but have different meanings.  We will work on a variety of these words to help the students become more familiar with them all.

 Check out the Grammar links for games to help them understand.
Grade 3 Math
Unit 3 has two secure skills that the students will need to master.  They should be able to measure line segments to the nearest ½ inch and the nearest centimeter.  Please help them practice measuring at home.  This is an important life skill!  
We will discuss the U.S. customary and  metric systems.  We will practice converting units in each system.  For example, the students will learn that 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 yard = 36 inches, and 1 mile = 5,280 feet.  They will hopefully discover some personal references for length that will help them remember how long each unit is.  We will practice measuring by finding the perimeter of different shapes.  The perimeter is the measurement of the distance around a shape.
Accelerated Math
We have started Unit 3 which focuses on multiplication and division, number sentences and algebra. This is a longer unit and it will take us some time to get through it. Please help your child by practicing multiplication and division facts at home.

Social Studies
This week, the students will continue to review the continents and oceans.  The students will have a quiz on the locations of the continents and oceans.  Please help your child review.  Ask them to sing the Continent Song for you as review.
In addition to review, the students will learn about what tools are used to help read maps and globes.  The map key or legend, symbols, and compass rose are important terms to know when using a map.  The students will have lots of opportunities to become familiar with these terms.

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